21 Companies Hiring for the Holidays

holiday jobs
holiday jobs

Each year retail stores seem to put up holiday decorations earlier than the year before. One moment students are grabbing notebooks and glue bottles from the back-to-school displays, and the next an oversize, inflatable turkey is advertising Thanksgiving decor.

Although you might think that the store decorations and displays don't give you time to catch your breath between the summer and holiday season, don't forget that more action is going on behind the scenes. In November and December, shoppers spend money. Whether they're buying clothes or electronics or opening a new savings account because of a bank promotion, they have money and want to use it. To handle the extra traffic, companies hire new workers. And if you've ever looked for a job, you know the process takes a few weeks. You don't often apply for a job and get hired the same day. That's why companies begin their search for holiday workers in advance.
