TD Bank won't refund fraudulent charges: Help Me, WalletPop!

TD Bank problems
TD Bank problems

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Q. Last year, I found out someone "hot carded" my debit card and racked up $7,600 in charges. I filed a Regulation E claim on that day, and a police report. Ever since then I've been going back and forth with TD Bank trying to get my money back. They denied me two times, and now the detective from the police department won't even call me back.

There were multiple purchases ranging from $20 to $1,200. I never once received a phone call inquiring about these purchases from the bank. The majority of them occurred in the Bronx, N.Y., including purchases at Target, AutoZone, Sleepy's and McDonald's. I'm 24-years-old and it took me a very long time to save that money. I've been living check-to-check making ends meet since then. I take my credit score very seriously, and this has started to affect it adversely. How do I go against a bank?
Deniz Sica
