FarmVille farmers go from frumpy to fab with new clothing options


FarmVille has started to roll out a revamped customization system for your farmer, which will make it a billion times easier to change your farmer's hair and facial features on a win. But the coup de grace of the new customization system is the 'Clothing' tab, which will allow you to trade in your farmer's dusty overalls for something a little more fashion forward.

Only a few farmers have access to the new clothing options right now, but based on the image above, it looks like you'll be able to buy new types of clothes (like button-down shirts or a hoodie) for either Farm Cash or coins.

This new fashion feature will presumably roll out to everyone else pretty quickly, because this is clearly how you'll be able to dress up your avatar in these FarmVille Halloween costumes that we've been eyeballing for weeks.

[Via FarmVille Freak]

What do you think about the new FarmVille clothing customization option? Are you willing to shell out coins (or Farm Cash!) to make your virtual farmer look a little more fabulous? Sound off in the comments. Add comment.
