Capcom's iPhone Facebook games finally named and priced (hint: they're free)

Lil' Pirates
Lil' Pirates

Capcom, creator of industry hits like Street Fighter and Resident Evil, has finally named two of the three Facebook-connected iPhone games the company alluded to last month. The third game is said to be a "licensed title based off a children's entertainment property" slated to release this November. Oh, and how could we forget that all three games will be free in the Apple App Store. First up is Lil' Pirates (pictured), a game that looks somewhat similar to Playfish'sPirates Ahoy set to release by the end of October. In Lil' Pirates, developed by IGUO Entertainment, players will assume the role of captain of a pirate ship, sail the seas in search for buried treasure and later battle other vessels in fiery naval combat. Players will have access to premium ship upgrades as well through paid transactions.

The second game that Capcom decided to name is Zombie Cafe. Expected to release in November, Zombie Cafe follows a mega corporation as they enslave the undead to serve in their restaurant empire. (Think a much, much more evil Cafe World.) You fortunately are one of those evil restaurant managers, directing zombies to serve customers and manage product. If you feel threatened by another cafe's success, you can always destroy them using your cadaverous wait staff and nab their secret recipes.

It's still unknown how deep the games' Facebook connectivity will be, but at the very least we expect Facebook Connect from Capcom. We'll have more details once Lil' Pirates launches this month and Zombie Cafe in November.

Excited about these new, free social games from Capcom? What do you think the third mystery game could be based off of? Speculate away in the comments. Add Comment.
