Starbucks orders servers to slow down -- long lines brewing?

Woman adds sugar to her Starbucks order
Woman adds sugar to her Starbucks order

On behalf of impatient ground hounds everywhere: Thanks a latte, Starbucks. The big green coffee-making machine has ordered its baristas to slow down -- and that could mean the caffeine-deprived masses will have to wait in longer lines for their morning jolt of java.

Starbucks baristas told theWall Street Journal that the new strategy will increase by 100% the time that it takes to make some drinks. The newspaper revealed details of the chain's espresso manifesto, which included a mandate for counter personnel to make no more than two drinks at a time and steam milk for each drink rather than preparing an entire pitcher for several drinks. Servers were also instructed to rinse pitchers after every use, and blend the beans in smaller batches throughout the days so consumers can see the freshness for themselves.
