Breckenridge Slang

Breckenridge Slang
Breckenridge Slang

Getty Images

Sometimes, it seems as if Breckenridge has a language all its own. Truth be told, it does. Breckenridge lingo is an amalgam of ski and snowboard terms, mountain biking jargon, 20-something slang, and mountain dweller dialect, sprinkled liberally with common, everyday English. Plus, with some 300 inches of snowfall a year, Breckenridge slang includes plenty of snow-related terms. Breckenridge local lingo could easily sound confusing, and while it's not the end of the world if you don't understand a word the snowboarders are saying, knowing a few of the more common terms can't hurt. That way, when someone tells you he "caught big air on an epic run down Lower Boneyard in pow pow," or something similar, you won't stare back blankly!
