Tips from DealPros and a look at the coupon industry


Finding new ways to save money on everyday activities is one of our favorite things to do at WalletPop, so much so that we recently compiled 20 rules to live by for cheapskates -- but that's not enough. When we learned that had gone on a search for the best deal hunters around, we had to find out what tips these DealPros had to help WalletPop readers save money.

These DealPros will meet up in November at the Second Annual Save Up conference to brainstorm better ways to help readers save money online and off. Five of the 30 Deal Pros took time out of their blogging schedules to email WalletPop the following tips to help you save on everything from shampoo and containers to TV and eating out.

Mixed in with the tips you'll find clips from's Coupon Industry Infographic which gives a breakdown of coupon use in the U.S.
