The electric company owes me money: Help me, WalletPop!

Help Me, WalletPop!
Help Me, WalletPop!

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Q. I moved from Dallas in May. I turned off my electricity on May 21st. I pay my electric bill up front for a year so I have a $694 credit due to me from TXU Energy. Every time I call I get the same run-around. Basically, they tell me "the check is in the mail" or "the check is waiting for approval, which will take 3 to 4 weeks." They read from a script, and are not at all concerned that they have not repaid my money for six months. At this point I believe they should have to pay me interest. I have given them my current address two times yet they still do not change it. These people are unbelievable. What should I do?
David Platko
