Cafe World Drink Bar is halfway here, new drink menu coming soon

Cafe World Drink Bar
Cafe World Drink Bar

Why Zynga would introduce just half of a feature is beyond us, but today the studio released the Drink Bar in Cafe World... with no drinks. Did we mention the interface isn't even live yet? If you're still psyched for this new feature, you can build the bar right now by clicking through the icon on the left side of your screen, placing the Drink Bar anywhere in your cafe and asking for these materials from your friends:

  • 8 Buckets of Ice

  • 8 Menus

  • 8 Napkins

  • 16 Kitchen Tools

While you can expedite the process by paying up like normal, you'll be getting nowhere fast and be that much poorer for the experience. Come to think of it, just take your time building this one. Maybe finish out that Airport Theme. This is probably gonna' be a while.

Will you be building this new feature in anticipation? Would you have rather Zynga just introduce the Drink Bar it when was ready? Speak your mind in the comments. Add Comment.
