Toshiba Unveils No-Glasses 3-D TV


Toshiba (TOSBF) unveiled a new 3-D TV that viewers can watch without wearing special glasses.

The 3-D liquid crystal display TV uses a high-definition screen backlit with LEDs, a special sheet on the screen and chip technology to display information from nine images, The New York Times reported.

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The TV can convert 2-D images into 3-D and will sell for prices as low as 120,000 yen ($1,440).

"A dream TV is now a reality," Masaaki Oosumi, president of Toshiba Visual Products. "It's obviously more natural to watch TV without glasses. That is the natural technological progression."

The need to wear expensive 3-D glasses has been a drag on the market for 3-D movies and TVs.

The TV will go on sale in Japan in December. There are currently no plans to sell it in other countries.
