Puerto Rico Slang

Puerto Rico Slang
Puerto Rico Slang

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Who doesn't love inventing new slang and getting it absorbed into popular culture? New slang terms and slang phrases pop up every day in Puerto Rico, and there are a few commonly used words that will make your stay in this city a little more interesting. If you learn a little Puerto Rico slang, like "Vamos de jangueo al...," you may even find out what the hottest local spot is.

People in Puerto Rico love creating new slang so much that getting colloquialisms into the Diccionario Real de la Academia Espa–ola, or the Royal Spanish Academy's Dictionary, is practically a national pastime. Words like "hamburguesas" (hamburgers) and "beisbol" (baseball) and other "Spanglish" (Spanish-English) misappropriations are the most commonly used terms, but other popular terms are purely invented or evolutions of phrases and words used by the indigenous Taino people. Here is a little Puerto Rico local lingo you will definitely hear while on vacation on this fabulous island.
