Cafe World's Airport Theme and In Flight Meal take dining to the skies

Cafe World In Flight Meal
Cafe World In Flight Meal

With the recent addition of the Airport Cafe decor and In Flight Meal recipe to Cafe World almost immediately after Zynga threw a birthday party for the game, it's clear now that life in Cafe World truly never, ever stops.

Pressing onward into the next year, there is a slew of new decorations and some functional items in Cafe World to turn your cafe into an airline eatery. But more importantly is the new In Flight Meal, a limited-time recipe that requires Level 30 and 900 coins to unlock. This surprisingly delicious-looking meal serves 500 in 10 hours, earns 2,500 coins and rewards 155 Cafe Points total.

Check behind the break for a list of the items that will make this new dish a fit for your cafe.
