Oktoberfest continues in FarmVille with more limited items


Oktoberfest is marching on in FarmVille, and tonight we're seeing two new buildings and four new decorations. These items are all available for another 12 days, and four of them are for Farm Cash and three are for coins. Some of these pieces are really quite unique, unlike anything we have seen in FarmVille. This means that they might not fit in with your overall cohesive vision for your farm. Without further ado, here are the new items:

Ruins - 200,000 coins
Lamp Post - 5,500 coins
Castle Fence - 5,000 coins
Swan Lake - 30 Farm Cash
Falcon - 18 Farm Cash
German Castle - 50 Farm Cash
Monopteros - 30 Farm Cash

The Falcon is not an animal in that it gives out coins for harvesting it. It is simply a decorative item. What do you think of these new Oktoberfest items? Do any of them appeal to you? Let us know in the comments!
