FarmVille asks for help as they approach 1 billion School Supplies for Haiti goal

farmville 1 billion haiti school supplies
farmville 1 billion haiti school supplies

Zynga is asking farmers for a little more help to reach the goal of 1 billion FarmVille School Supplies sent for Haiti.

Currently they are at around 900 million. Upon reaching 1 billion, Zynga will donate $200,000 to help build a new school in Haiti. You can help by sending a few extra giftable School Supplies today!

"Your generous support for Haiti has been amazing but we still need your help! We are so very close to hitting our new goal of one BILLION school supplies collected–we're right at 900 million. If we hit this goal, Zynga will donate $200,000! Please gift a few more school supplies to your neighbors today!"

This article originally appeared on FarmVille Freak.
