New FarmVille, FrontierVille & Cafe World Cross-Promotion


farmville frontierville mule cross promotion
farmville frontierville mule cross promotion

UPDATE: See our FarmVille Guide on how to complete the FrontierVille's FarmVille Quest I and how to claim your FarmVille Mule.

If you've been farming tonight, you may have noticed the in-game pop-ups below. Starting tonight, there has been frequent advertising for two new Zynga games and FarmVille cross-promotions with FrontierVille and Cafe World.

farmville cafe world free cafe cash cross promotion
farmville cafe world free cafe cash cross promotion

From time to time, Zynga likes to offer cross-promotions for their games by rewarding players with special items and perks for playing multiple games. They like to make sure that us FarmVille Freaks haven't forgotten about their other games by giving us a push towards life outside of farming. This time around, playing FrontierVille and completing the FarmVille quest can unlock a special Mule for you to use in FarmVille, while playing Cafe World could potentially earn you 50 free cafe cash (for FarmVille players to use in Cafe World).

Q: Is the Mule for FarmVille or FrontierVille?

A: The Mule is for you to use in FarmVille. Though you must complete the quest in FrontierVille to claim your Mule reward.

This article originally appeared on FarmVille Freak.

Will you participate in these Zynga games and FarmVille cross-promotion or is it just another gimmick to get you to play?
