Celebs like Jennifer Aniston and John Travolta say they're green, but are they?

Green celebrities?
Green celebrities?

Celebrities drive me crazy, they really do. They drive most people crazy in various ways, I guess, but my problem is the down time when they're not singing their songs or acting in their movies. That's when they're out to prove what great planetary citizens they are.

Either they (or their publicists) come up with the most idiotic statements, which for the most part are totally at odds with their opulent lifestyles. They like to give us advice, which they don't even come close to following themselves. For instance, here's Barbra Streisand, a golden throat no doubt, sounding off about how "everyday Americans can help in this fight... by filling up the air in their tires, replacing older light bulbs [with] newer, energy-saving ones, driving a hybrid vehicle, carpooling, bringing your own bags to the grocery store, installing low-flow shower heads, unplugging unused appliances and recycling."
