Pet Society Paw Paw Revolution Game: Build or buy your own dance machine

Paw Paw Revolution
Paw Paw Revolution

Playfish might be taking the hardcore game references a bit too far with Paw Paw Revolution, the newest decoration to grace Pet Society with its rhythmic presence. What's great about this decoration is that it gives you options.

If you want it right now, you can buy the whole darned thing outright for 26 Playfish Cash, or about $5 USD. However, patience is a virtue and for those of you who can 18 days, this dance machine will be yours to make a fool of your digital self with. Paw Paw Revolution, like the Space Rocket and Playhouse before it, can be built by asking friends for parts. The item requires 18 parts and players can only ask for one part daily, unfortunately. Can you resist the allure of instant gratification?

Will you be building or buying your Paw Paw Revolution? Need friends to help you out? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
