Friday Freebies: free beer, ice cream, tote bag, tampons, and more!


This may be the best freebie round up I have ever done. Who ever heard of scoring free beer? Free ice cream and tote bags? Free theater performances? Plus, there are free tampons, movie rentals, and a VIP membership to Zappos to be had. If these freebies don't kick-start your weekend, I don't know what will!

Mark your calenders for two hot freebies next week -- Sept 29 and 30. Free beer and ice cream is in the works! For bargain hunters age 21 or older, Wednesday Sept. 29, 2010 is THE day to score. Budweiser is hosting a "national happy hour" offering free beer samples at bars and restaurants across the country. The giveaway is part of a promotion to increase sales among a coveted group of beer drinkers -- the under-30 crowd. According to the Florida Times-Union, four out of 10 people in their mid-20s have never tasted a Bud. It's unclear exactly which bars and restaurants will be handing out free beer, so stay tuned. I'll update this post as soon as I get word.
