Mafia Wars God Father Title Glitch: A sneak peek at future content?

God Father title glitch
God Father title glitch

In what has been nothing short of a storm of hot tips, hidden features and now glitches in Mafia Wars, a tipster to Mafia Wars Maniac has found himself with a title that currently doesn't exist in the game: "God Father." While glitches like these happen more often than players run out of energy, this particular error could hold quite a lot of meaning for the future of Mafia Wars.

Normally, title glitches occur when someone receives or loses a title that already exists in the game, but this situation involves content that doesn't exist... yet.Could this be a leak of future content, such as the area that is set to release some time after the Mafia Wars: MADE event in Las Vegas (remember, attendees are getting early access to that content)? This could also be one of the special items attendees receive for going to the event or it could just be another meaningless glitch.

Zynga has been contacted for comment. Stay tuned for possible updates.

[Image Credit: Mafia Wars Maniac]

What do you think of this God Father glitch? Do you think it's a content leak, a meaningless glitch or someone from the team just playing a prank? Let us know in the comments. Add Comment.
