New Poll: Despite Recession, Many Americans Say Taxes are Fair


In spite of growing discontent about the federal government in general, a surprising number of Americans say they're comfortable with the taxes they're paying, according to a Pew Research Center poll released Monday.

Half of those questioned this spring said the amount they paid in taxes was "about right," compared to 45% in October 1997, according to the survey results. Meanwhile, 43% said they paid "more than their fair share" of taxes, down from 53% more than a decade earlier.

"Despite all the animosity aimed at the nation's capital, one usual political punching bag is actually not seen as villainous as it once was: taxes," Pew's Richard Auxier wrote in a statement Monday.

Overall, Democrats were more content with their tax payments than Republicans, although the percentage of people who changed their attitudes about tax levels over the past 13 years was about the same for both political parties, according to the poll.

The public's attitude toward taxes has improved despite the fact that fewer people are "content" with the job being done in Washington, with support for congressional incumbents at a historical low, Pew Research said.
