Mafia Wars: Experimental Exosuit Ruby Mastery Item not giving up the stats?

Mafia Wars: Experimental Exosuit Ruby Mastery Item not giving up the stats?
Mafia Wars Experimental Exosuit Gold Mastery
Mafia Wars Experimental Exosuit Ruby Mastery Bugged
Mafia Wars Experimental Exosuit Ruby Mastery Real

Amidst the rampant excitement surrounding the Las Vegas Districts 7 and 8 updates last week in Mafia Wars, quite a few bugs have slipped through the cracks, the most notable being one that affects the District 7 Mastery Item. When looked at closely, the Experimental Exosuit, currently one of the best armor items in the game, is not displaying its Ruby Mastery stats.

Currently, the item appears to not improve at all from its Gold Mastery stats of 185 Attack and 106 Defense to its Ruby Mastery levels. However, a tipster to the Mafia Wars Maniac discovered that the Ruby Mastery numbers should look more like the furthest right image above: 203 Attack and 114 Defense. Hopefully this bug (among several others) has been brought to Zynga's attention and will be fixed for those who spent all of that time achieving Ruby Mastery in District 7 only to find a lesser item.

Do you think Zynga pushes updates out with too many bugs? Would you be willing to wait the extra time it takes to debug this content before it goes live? Speak out in the comments. Add Comment.
