FrontierVille: "Build a Water Tower!" asks a lot for a little

FrontierVille Build a Water Tower
FrontierVille Build a Water Tower

Added on September 17, the goal titled "Build a Water Tower!" in FrontierVille asks for quite a lot of materials. The goal doesn't come as part of any particular theme, but maybe it's here to douse the flames from the recent item updates. All you'll need is less than three open goals for this one to appear and it doesn't seem to have a time limit. We would hope not for what it requires:

  • Gather 1,000 lumber (!)

  • Receive 5 Survey Authorizations

  • Receive 5 Water Rights Agreements

Here's the clincher: all of these items, including the 1,000 lumber, will be used in completing this goal. Now, while receiving a nifty-looking decoration for 250 XP is nice, it can't be worth a whopping 1,000 lumber! Though, it does sell for 2,500 coins.

Anyway, you can get all 10 pieces of paper work by requesting them as gifts from friends or you can buy them outright for 10 Horseshoes per requirement, which amounts to about less than $3. What's going to eat up most of your time is gathering 1,000 pieces of wood for this goal, which is a little unreasonable. Enjoy mowing down the rest of your homestead for the next week or so.

Are you excited for this new goal to come to FrontierVille? Are you disappointed in what it requires? Speak your mind in the comments. Add Comment.
