The Donald is Back: Apprentice Season 10


"This is the toughest job interview in the world."

And so began Season 10 of the NBC hit show, The Apprentice." This time, Donald Trump's show returns to its roots: B-list celebrities are replaced by 16 good looking no-names from around the country. Or at least they're no-names for now. (Remember, Omarosa was a no-name once. Some might say she is again, but I digress.)

Contestants are a diverse group of mostly unemployed professionals and range in age from a 24-year-old Stanford grad named Poppy to a 46-year-old ex-Air Force guy and laid-off financial adviser.

Donald Trump, known for his flash, cash, and immobile hairstyle welcomed the group to his board room with, "Life is tough, life is mean." He declared the teams men versus women.
