Smartphone of the Future Will Read Your Moods, Intel Says


The smartphone of the future will be able to react to your moods, Intel (INTC) Chief Technology Officer Justin Rattner predicts.

The phone of the future could use microphones, cameras and heart monitors to measure a user's moods and offer advice, Rattner said at a conference in San Francisco, Reuters reported. "How can we change the relationship so we think of these devices not as devices but as assistants or even companions?" Rattner asked.

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Rattner also showcased a TV remote control that could tell who is using it, based on the way it's being held. The remote control then learns the user's entertainment preferences.

The smartphone industry will likely sell 270 million phones this year and grow even further in 2011. Intel is working to join Apple (AAPL) and Research In Motion (RIMM) in this lucrative market.
