BP to Delay Third Quarter Earnings Report by One Week


BP (BP) will delay the release of its third quarter earnings by one week to give the company more time to incorporate data and disclosures related to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

BP's earnings will now be released on Nov. 2, Dow Jones Newswires said.

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"When we reported second quarter it was a bit of a scramble," a BP spokesman told Dow Jones Newswires. "We needed more time because the volume of data has gone up."

In July, BP posted a $17.5 billion loss for the second quarter, as it set aside money for $32.2 billion in costs related to the Gulf oil disaster.

Earlier this week, BP released an internal investigation into the oil spill, which said that companies including BP, Halliburton (HAL) and Transocean (RIG) were all responsible for the disaster.
