Amazon Mom offers free 2-day shipping and 30% off diaper subscriptions

two moms holding babies - Amazon Mom diaper service
two moms holding babies - Amazon Mom diaper service

Amazon Mom is a new free membership program that offers free two-day shipping and up to 30% off of diapers and wipes to participants. While the program is called Amazon Mom it is open to Moms, Dads, Grandparents, aunts, uncles or anyone who is likely and willing to change baby's diaper.

When you join you'll receive a free 90-day Amazon Prime membership that offers free two-day shipping on all of your purchases as well as the option to upgrade to one-day shipping for $3.99 a purchase. Amazon Mom members will be able to extend the free Amazon Prime shipping by a month for every $25 spent in the Amazon Baby store, for up to a year of free Amazon Prime Membership.

The Baby shop is where Amazon Mom members can save an additional 30% by subscribing to a service (via Amazon) that will send them diapers and wipes on a regular schedule of their choosing. There is no long term commitment or fee for subscribing and the delivery timing and items can be changed or canceled at any time.
