Switching banks can be painless if you follow these steps

Switching banks can be painless if you follow these steps
Switching banks can be painless if you follow these steps

Are you thinking about switching banks? Maybe you're moving to an area where your current bank doesn't have branches, or maybe you're decamping for better customer service. Whatever the reason, there are some important logistical details to keep in mind if you're planning to uproot and transplant your main financial relationship. If you're not careful, you could wind up creating a tremendous -- and possibly expensive -- headache.

First of all, don't close your main account without having the new one up and running, advises Linda Sherry, director of national priorities at advocacy group Consumer Action. "My suggestion is to have people keep the old account open and set up the new account with the minimum you need to maintain it," she told WalletPop in a phone interview.
