Price of honey up this Jewish New Year

Apples and honey on a plate for Rosh Hashana
Apples and honey on a plate for Rosh Hashana

The tradition of dipping apples into honey to ensure a "sweet" Jewish New Year just got a little pricier this Rosh Hashana. The holiday, which starts at sundown on tonight (Sept. 8), usually features a bowl of honey on the dinner table. A taste of the sweet stuff symbolically means your new year will be happier, healthier and more prosperous. Who wouldn't mind a little more of any of that?

But according to information from Bee Culture magazine, the retail price of an average pound of honey jumped almost 10% from $4.60 to $5.04 from August 2009 to August 2010. The magazine considers not just generic store brands in its averaging though. It also factors in the high-end specialty honeys that cost more.
