PetVille Game Cards now at 7-11 and GameStop with free PetVille mascot

PetVille Game Card promotion with 7-11 and GameStop
PetVille Game Card promotion with 7-11 and GameStop

announced today that PetVille Game Cards are now available in 7-11 stores and GameStop's everywhere. So, what does this mean to you now that Facebook Credits are the primary currency for most Zynga games? Well, no one said anything about Zynga's own game cards.

So don't fret, your Zynga game card promotions shouldn't be going anywhere. And if you like collectibles, grab a PetVille Game Card today and get a free PetVille mascot. You know that weird, blue bunny... thing? Well, he's all yours! If you're confused about how to redeem your free whatchamacallit, join us behind cut for a short how-to.
