Top 10 Home Improvements That Pay You Back

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If you're planning to sell your house any time soon, home improvements that build property value should be on your to-do list. It's a buyer's market, and between tighter purse strings and plenty of properties to choose from, shoppers want homes that are move-in ready and free of the need for home improvement projects that will add to their own bottom lines.

"There's enough inventory out there right now that buyers can find what they like without having to compromise," says Harrison Tulloss, a ZipRealty agent based in Raleigh, N.C. "They don't have the money or inclination to put in a down payment, get a loan and then turn around and spend more cash to do exactly what they want to improve a property."

Planning home improvements that pay you back at the time of sale requires a strategic vision as well as design, finish and product selections that welcome the widest possible range of buyer tastes. Drawing on tips from real estate pros, along with Remodeling magazine's annual Cost vs. Value Report, here are 10 home improvements that pay you back when you sell.
