Tall Tree Games Candy Shop leaves our sweet tooth wanting more


Tall Tree Games, developers of popular games Garden World and Fish World, have just released a brand new game titled Candy Shop. While this game aims for the over-the-top cuteness that other baking and cooking games boast, Candy Shop sort of misses the mark.

When you first log in, you will not be greeted with a tutorial. Only a simple bobbing arrow prompts you to click on the electric mixer to collect and display your finished Chocolate Squares. After that, there is nothing to help guide you into the gameplay. If you are familiar with other baking games such as Cupcake Corner, Cafe Life or Cafe World, this will all be very easy to understand. However, if I were new to the genre of baking games I would be completely lost on what to do next.

Candy Shop uses the same exact game mechanics as our favorites, Chocolatier, Baking Life, and Cafe Life. Your candy machines allow you to make different recipes that unlock as you level up. Making a recipe involves clicking the machine several times to progress your candy to the stage where it needs to wait a set amount of time until it is ready. After ready, the candy must be clicked on to move it to a display before it spoils. On display, your candy sells to the patrons who visit your store. The goal of the game is to level up, make money, and decorate your candy shop.
