Facebook Credits gift cards set to rule the world. First stop: Target

facebook credits target
facebook credits target

It's official -- Target has everything. In addition to buying camping supplies, kitchen equipment and cheap designer duds, you will soon be able to buy Facebook Credits gift cards.

Starting September 5, Target will be the first retailer to carry these cards, which will be available for $15, $25 and $50. The $15 card will be available exclusively at Tar-zhay.

If you play social games, you know that Facebook Credits are quickly becoming a popular way to buy virtual items in games such as FarmVille, Mafia Wars, Bejeweled Blitz, City of Wonder, FIFA Superstars and more. To see a complete list of games that accept Facebook Credits, go here.

Considering that Americans are predicted to spend 1.6 billion on virtual goods and social games this year and Facebook Credits is quickly becoming the de facto currency for making those purchases, we're sure that we will be seeing these bright blue cards in every big box retailer when the 2010 holiday buying season rolls around.

Hey, I'm not complaining. I already plan to ask St. Nick to stuff a few of these in my stocking as well. The only people that might have a problem with these cards are folks who work for FarmVille publisher Zynga (which has its own special form of currency for its games). We'll see who wins out in this virtual currency battle in the end.

Do you use Facebook Credits to buy virtual items in games?
Or something else?
