Will students lose health care under Obama? Or is it all a scare?


If you're a college student who acquires health care through your school, and you're following media coverage this week surrounding President Obama's health care reforms, your head might still be spinning in alarm right now.

Right-leaning commentators cooked up some juicy, almost gladiatorial headlines in the past few days: "Students' health plans might well be ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK!" (The Weekly Standard, emphasis mine.) "ObamaCare THREATENS college health plans!" (The Atlantic, emphasis mine again.)

All of this agitation stems from a concerned letter the American Council on Education (ACE) sent to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Aug. 12 -- but there's little reason to believe the missive warrants the stink it made on political blogs this past week after MSNBC's Julie Applby brought it to light in a recent piece. As much as I hate to interfere when conservative writers get some good old-fashioned partisan rancor boiling in their bellies, I feel the need to provide some Pepto in the form of actual language from President Obama's Affordable Care Act (ACA):
