What Comes After the Future of Housing?

What is the explicit guarantee described at the Future of Housing Finance Conference?
What is the explicit guarantee described at the Future of Housing Finance Conference?

In my previous article I outlined some of the now historical flaws in the housing finance system as discussed by certain panelists at the recent Future of Housing Finance Conference in Washington, specifically the misalignment of objectives within Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which led to their systemic failure.

Now I'd like to look forward and imagine some possible scenarios for housing's future, based on some of the proposals put forth during the conference:

Greater transparency and access to information. Don't know what that means specifically, but it sounds great. I hope it has something to do with demanding better information when considering which mortgages to securitize and rate appropriately. I'm no hedge fund manager, but even I know that you need more than a loan amount and a ZIP code to independently and accurately determine the risk of a residential mortgage-backed security.
