The sunny side up of low-cost egg alternatives

The sunny side up of low-cost egg alternatives
The sunny side up of low-cost egg alternatives

For anybody who still has the willies about using eggs after the recall of a half-billion of 'em over Salmonella concerns, WalletPop offers cheap and easy homemade alternatives for baking. We combed the foodie universe for egg-cellent replacements.

So let's get cracking. Er, maybe not.

Use a banana or 1/4 cup of applesauce for each egg needed in a cake or other sweet dessert, according to Of course the banana or apple needs to work flavor-wise in the recipe. Tofu can be substituted in quiches and custards by using a 1/4 cup of (preferably pureed) soft tofu for every egg. The tofu recreates the texture of eggs but falls a tad short in the fluffing department.
