Daily Blogwatch: Should People Avoid Stocks Forever?


Below are some of the top stories for investors from around the Web:

Why a dip in GDP might actually be a sign of an improving economy.

The stock market is "for suckers," according to Mark Cuban.

Maybe gold isn't even a commodity.

It's a fact: Women are better traders.

Ok, I finally decided I want to own a home: This $35 million home made out of glass.

Speaking of which, Stockerblog has seven reasons to own a home, directly attempting to refute my seven reasons NOT to own a home.

Meet the YouTube stars making more than $100,000 per year.

I'm a huge fan of The Rational Optimist. In this post he argues that increasing the economic prosperity of an underdeveloped country will do more to save lives than worrying about climate change.

Oh no! Is the world running out of helium?
