34 key items for your back to school 2010 grocery shopping list

34 key items for your back to school 2010 grocery shopping list
34 key items for your back to school 2010 grocery shopping list

College students have notoriously scraped by on the sodium-drenched cliche of ramen noodles. This does not have to be your fate in your first kitchen away from home! Stock your pantry with some basic, whole foods and learn a few simple cooking techniques. Running your own kitchen is not nearly as daunting as it may appear. Here is a guide to get you started.

Most of these items can be bought at national grocery chains; some are best found at health food stores. Shopping the store brands (Safeway Select, Best Choice, 365 Everyday Value) will make a big difference in price, and using the store discount cards will help. You certainly won't have time to prepare a culinary masterpiece every night, so prepare meals with leftovers in mind and stay stocked with some quick, easy options to throw in the microwave. You'll be amazed by how much money you'll save by cooking it yourself -- at least 50%, conservatively, compared to eating fast food. Then, you can splurge on occasion for a meal out.
