How to have a midlife crisis on a budget

How to have a midlife crisis on a budget
How to have a midlife crisis on a budget

While a new study published this month says that men in a midlife crisis are more likely to buy an expensive bicycle than a sports car, I want to respect the traditional avenues for middle-age acting out.

Many of us of a certain decade who have more hair in their ears (and noses) than on their heads want to know that the old standbys, such as more horsepower, are within reach. Here are some potentially pricey possibilities with a bargain alternative.

One note before we begin: Hooking up with a young chickie on the side didn't make the list because it's tacky, and it could cost you dearly: The average payout for a divorce settlement with two lawyers going toe to toe costs $27,000, increasing to $78,000 if the case goes to litigation, according to U.S. News and World Report. But one hour of couples therapy to begin saving your marriage runs about $100. That's a bargain.

On with the list:
