Happy Aquarium: Heart-Shaped Blowfish Parents spawn in multiple colors

Happy Aquarium Heart-Shaped Blowfish Babies
Happy Aquarium Heart-Shaped Blowfish Babies

Breeding Happy Aquarium's latest premium Heart-Shaped Blowfish can lead to five gorgeous animated and colored offspring, as seen above. But there's a catch, both parents -- Pink and Blue -- can only be mated using Pearls (the game hasn't said how much) which is the game's premium currency.

Happy Aquarium Pink and Blue Heart-Shaped Blowfish
Happy Aquarium Pink and Blue Heart-Shaped Blowfish

Moreover, the parents themselves are premium fish that each require 69 Pearls or 58 Facebook Credits ($5.80 USD) to buy. It's also important to note that unlike Happy Pets, you're not mixing-and-matching colors. Instead, you're breeding to collect the set of five colors that are available.

Are the blowfish worth it? Well, the addition of multiple colors is certainly a great idea. FYI, the Pink Heart-Shaped Blowfish was originally released as a Limited Edition item, so it's nice to see it make a comeback as a breedable. But it all comes down to what you're willing to pay. I know one thing though, a lot of players think that if you've gotta pay Pearls for the parents and pay Pearls to mate for babies, it's only fair that players get to sell off the parents and babies for Pearls!
