Free sample of natural dog food

Get a free sample of natural dog food through Freefly's. To get the freebie, share your name, address, e-mail, phone number, the type of dog you have, and choose which of the six dog food flavors you would like to receive. The company will not send the free sample unless you include your phone number, unfortunately.

Samples will only be sent to individuals located within distributor areas, so before you sign up, click on the above link and look for a blue box on the right that says "find your local distributor." Pick your state and see if there is a distributor near you. If yes, proceed to fill out the free sample form. Your sample will ship in a few days. If not, you can still fill out the form but you won't get a free sample.

Caveats: while supplies last.

Taking advantage of this offer supports WalletPop.
