For Sale By Owner: How to Market Your Home Sale

for sale by owner.
for sale by owner.

It's hard enough to sell a house in today's market without taking a substantial loss. If you then have to skim the cream off the top to pay for a sales commission, you're digging an even deeper hole. A real estate agent is supposed to relieve the stress of selling a home, but the process of choosing an agent is its own considerable headache.

Will the realty agent charging a 6 to 7 percent commission really be able to deliver? Will the agent charging a 4 to 5 percent commission really offer a competitive advantage? There are no easy or definitive answers. But you have options -- you don't have to hire a Realtor for your home sale. We'll tell you who else to hire to help you with your "for sale by owner" (aka FSBO). And give you some tips for selling you home quickly.
