Parents continually asked to help with school budgets, via supplies

school supplies
school supplies

I'm an admitted cheapskate. But like most parents, when it comes to my child, money is no object. Last year my daughter started kindergarten and I happily dug into my wallet and bought supplies every month or so for her classroom. The teacher who taught my little girl how to read at least deserved our help buying supplies that the school district couldn't afford, I reasoned, and I was happy to buy the teacher a few gift cards to express our thanks for her hard work.

This year, with first grade about to start, the school district is at it again, and we spent about $50 on supplies that are due on the first day of school for her classroom. Her teacher may ask for more supplies, the school warned parents. We're not alone, as a recent New York Times story reported that parents across the country are being asked to buy cleaning supplies for schools.
