The 8 most annoying ad mascots on TV today


Most people settle onto the couch and flip on the TV in order to unwind and relax. We have our favorite shows and there are even certain commercials that make us smile. (C'mon, we know you laughed out loud when you saw Old Spice's "I'm on a Horse" commercial for the first time or when Betty White was tackled in the Snickers spot.) But sadly, our tube time is not always without thorns. We often have our eyes and ears pricked by irritating commercials that make us want to turn the channel, hit the mute button, scream or leave the room.

One thing that can guarantee an ad will get on our nerves: an annoying mascot. Remember the Domino's Noid from the 80s? We still aren't sure how a spandex-wearing pizza villain who wanted to ruin our dinner was supposed to entice us to pick up the phone and order a pie.

But forget the eighties, we have plenty of our own annoying advertising mascots right now in 2010. Here are WalletPop's picks for the 8 most annoying ad mascots on TV today:
