Going JetBlue and Singing the JetBlue Blues


Just a few days ago JetBlue Flight attendant Steven Slater dropped the F-bomb, grabbed a couple beers and quit his job in a now notorious way, inflating and sliding down his plane's emergency chute. Already he's inspired a folk-hero following, flattering songs and an addition to the American Lexicon: "Going Jet Blue," which looks like it's on its way to replacing "Going Postal."

Slater's method is a much kinder and gentler way to express snapping at work and taking it out on those around you. That seems to be the attitude of the majority of people who have heard about the incident. "He expressed his anger, he didn't hurt anybody, and he got a ride on the inflatable slide, which we would all love to do," says songwriter Dan Reynolds, pretty much summing up American sentiment. That's what inspired him to write quick, clever song about the incident and post it on YouTube.
