How to Quit Your Job: 10 Overly Dramatic Resignations


Jenny, we got your number: You're a fake!

As the story of "Jenny" an administrative assistant whose sexist boss had plucked the final straw and forced her to quit her job in a most spectacular fashion by posting a series of photos with messages she'd written on a dry-erase board and uploading them to, turns out to have been a hoax fronted by L.A. actress Elyse Porterfield. Hoodwink or not, it's a great way to quit a hated job!

Even in today's shaky economy, quitting seems to be the latest trend: Heck, even Steve Carrell is quitting 'The Office'! How's that for irony?

All kidding aside, there are some really terrible ways to terminate your own employment. Even if you weren't even born yet, you know about President Richard Nixon's televised resignation; and if you've watched the news lately, you know all about Omar Thornton's preemptive strike (a bloody shooting spree at his place of employment, ending in his suicide).

Others who've recently left their jobs in spectacular ways inspire great debate. For instance, do you think Jet Blue's Steven Slater went out in style or in shame? Here's a list of our top 10 overly dramatic quits:
