Make a summer internship's final days pay off: The Intern Queen's 8 tips


Lauren Berger is known for completing 15 internships in four years. Now she's turned her experience into her own business. As the

Intern Queen, she helps interns find success.

With the start of school comes the end of summer internships for thousands of students across the country and abroad. Before you head back to campus, here are a few things that you MUST do in order to ensure that you capitalize on your internship experience.

  • Make a list of everyone that you've met at the company during the internship. Include your fellow interns on this list. Through Google Docs or Excel, make a spreadsheet to keep important contact information organized. Make sure you save this file on your computer and have it backed up.

  • Decide how you will organize your contacts as a professional. One day, you won't be communicating through your school email address. What is your plan? Gmail? Outlook? Decide how you will store your contacts and start storing them today. Make sure that while you are at the company you get the email address, mailing address and office number for all of the people on your list.
