Happy Pets: New 'My Little Pony' inspired horses are here to stay

Happy Pets Amethyst Appaloosa, Bronze Zebra, and Jet Black Pegasus
Happy Pets Amethyst Appaloosa, Bronze Zebra, and Jet Black Pegasus

Thirteen new permanent horses trotted into the Happy Pets store last week, and I'm happy to say that none of them are Limited Editions, though they're all going to cost you some real world money. The cheapest ones go for 50 Facebook Credits ($5 USD), while the most expensive ones -- which are the winged horses and unicorns -- cost 62 FB Credits ($6.20 USD) due to their popularity.

Here are the Limited Edition ones from last week, if you want to see 'em, but they're all sold out now. Just a caveat, you'll still need to build a Horse Stable in order to keep horses in your game. Read our Happy Pets: Horse Stable Guide for more info.
