FarmVille official podcast (8/6): Garages, bushels and the White Owl's triumphant return


The next installment of the FarmVille official podcast (FOP, for short) has arrived, and this week's show is mostly focused on explaining the new Garage feature that will be slowly rolling out to farmers over the next few days -- or maybe weeks -- if previous slow roll-outs were any indication of timing. FarmVille Community Manager Lexi 'Lexilicious' Smith gives a good overview of how the garages work, though I wish she would discuss how the leveling up works if you already own a Hotrod tractor. Even so, it's still worth a listen.

Every week, the FOP highlights a few user-submitted questions, and this week's targets missing Wandering Stallions and the seeming lack of Bushels dropping in the game. Here are the answers to these questions, respectively:
