Recycle Dixon golf balls and get a deal on new ones

Actor Don Cheadle with green golf ball
Actor Don Cheadle with green golf ball

The Dixon Earth, said to be the world's first fully recyclable high-performance golf ball, is designed to help players go green, if not hit the green. But amid all the buzz it's generating through celebrity users such as Don Cheadle, one other benefit has been obscured: the ball can save golfers money.

Dixon deducts $1 off a new Dixon Earth dozen for every used Earth ball returned. Given that a box of a dozen Dixon Earth balls costs $39.95 -- about average for a ball in its class -- golfers can slice $12 off each purchase for a total of $27.95 per box. For comparison's sake, popular Titleist balls listed at a major sports chain start at $45.99 for a dozen.
