PetVille: Meet and own the cast of Twilight Dusk

Twilight PetVille Bella vampire with Edward
Twilight PetVille Bella vampire with Edward

Unlike earlier attempts by Facebook games doing Twilight themed releases, this one actually remembered to include Bella! Only here, instead of Isabella Marie "Bella" Swan, she's called Stella Fawn (28 Pet Cash). Look at her fangs and those red glowing eyes! One minute, she's a shy sweetie pie, and the next, "That's Mrs. Edward Cullen to you!"

A lot of PetVille's Twilight Dusk release is outdoor decor that can only be used in the yards, but there's still new clothes, walls and floor styles. Also, if you head to the game's Premium Showroom section, you can buy PetVille-styled versions of the Twilight Dusk characters for your pet's home. The following is the rest of the cast, not including Edward (or Petward Culven, as the game calls him) since he appeared before the weekend.

Twilight Jacob Black as PetVille Jacob Grey
Twilight Jacob Black as PetVille Jacob Grey

Team Jacob, represent! Except, here, he's Jaycub Grey (31 Pet Cash) instead of Jacob Black. Like Petward, Jaycub comes in two versions -- Howling Jaycub Grey (35 Pet Cash) has him jump up to transform into a werewolf. If you prefer this more feisty version of Jacob, act quick, since he'll only be around for the next 6 days.
